Virtual workshops with AULA
In order to bring the effects of the Diversity Icebreaker to the virtual world – increased trust, cohesion, closeness and open communication – we partnered with vComm from Switzerland who have delivered dynamic an interactive DI virtual workshop since 2015.
The environment
AULA® is an immersive, 3D virtual-training platform with a module designed specifically for the standard DI-workshops. The participants meet as virtual avatars, fill-out the online questionnaire and experience group work, group presentations and collective learning as they would in a F2F workshop.
Snapshot from a DI-workshop in AULA®:
Prices and practical information
The cost of using AULA® is EUR 15 per person/hour.
Typical DI-workshop takes 1,5 hrs. This cost comes in addition to the cost of the DI-questionnaire.
You may deliver the training yourself, in which case you will need a short train-the-trainer session, or have one of our consultants facilitate the workshop.
Contact us in either case for a quote and/or to get more information: