The dynamics of a Diversity Icebreaker workshop can be replicated on a larger scale (200+ participants). This makes the Diversity Icebreaker the single tool in its class to kick off large projects and conferences in a meaningful, positive and memorable way.
The Diversity Icebreaker workshop may be applied in very similar formats in groups from 12-15 to 200 and more participants. Logistics of the workshop are predictable and easily manageable, but what's best is that it allows replicating the same kind of intimacy and focus that is characteristic for small groups and combine it with humor and collective reflection with many participants from all organizational levels involved at once.
In practice it means a very cost and time effective (the workshop takes approx. from 1 h to 1 h 30 min) way to kick-off a project, start a conference or conduct an annual meeting of a big organisational unit.
(Don't hesitate to ask us about details and tips for facilitating workshops for large groups!)
Read how the Diversity Icebreaker was used to start off an international conference. Read more.