Virtual applications with DI
There are multiple ways of using the Diversity Icebreaker (DI) with online means of collaboration. We have conducted R&D and delivered virtual DI-solutions since 2015 in order to bring the effects of our tool – increased trust, cohesion, closeness and open communication – to people who collaborate without face-to-face contact.
The DI online questionnaire is robust and versatile, and easy to administer regardless of the virtual medium. Secondly, it is about combining this with a suitable software that can be used via screen. We have developed our own guides for using DI together with MS Teams and Zoom which can be downloaded for free.
DI-workshops are about discussion and group work, and any videoconferencing software can be used to conduct them. Some apps (e.g. Zoom, MS Teams or WebEx) have a dedicated function for break-out sessions perfect for one-colour groups. With others, like Skype, the facilitator can easily use separate call-groups.
E-learning, collaboration platforms and employee training and onboarding apps can all be used to deliver in-depth training with DI on demand.
This form can be relevant for leadership trainings, sales trainings, individual development, peer-coaching and feedback groups, etc.
We have delivered learning modules for groups and individual training content based on the Diversity Icebreaker for large organizations (e.g. using Motimate).
More information?
Piotr Pluta MSc in Psychology, is the Managing Director responsible for consultancy in Human Factors. Piotr has facilitated a number of virtual Diversity Icebreaker workshops. Piotr has also supported our clients with tips and help both prior and during their virtual DI use. Piotr is also involved in many of our R&D projects and delivers consultancy in the areas of communication, trust building, cross-cultural work and diversity management.
Contact Piotr Pluta if you want to learn more about facilitating virtual DI-workshops yourself or are interested in having one of our trainers deliver it.