Personal workbook
For better teamwork. A booklet for follow-up after the workshop.
This booklet contains supplementary information, discussion topics and exercises for groups and teams. There is also an introduction to the TeamPyramid – a model for working with diversity in the team in order to to bring greater gains than costs.
Participants can use the Personal Workbook individually or with a facilitator in groups. Exercises and questions contained in the Workbook help participants summarize and reflect upon learning points realized in the workshop, and set them in the broader context of teamwork, diversity management, working across cultures, etc.
- Authors: Bjørn Z. Ekelund and Målfrid Rydningen
- Available languages in printed versions: EN, FR, SE, DK, NO and BL
- Available languages, only as PDF versions: DE, and NL
- Special edition: Third culture (Only in English)
- Price: EUR 9 (USD 10 outside of Europe) when you order the questionnaires
- Pages: 30