Seal of approval

Diversity Icebreaker® (Norwegian version) is certified by DNV — a world-leading certification body — as a development tool used in workshops. The tool satisfies requirements of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA). The last re-certification was done in 2023 with validity until 2027-11-27.

Diversity Icebreaker® is also in compliance with "General requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services" (ISO/IEC 17065:2012). 

Diversity Icebreaker® is the first Norwegian-made team test that has received DNV accreditation for psychological tests used in work-related contexts. In its first few years on the market, the Diversity Icebreaker has been used to improve the quality of cooperation and communication worldwide. 

A detailed description and evaluation of the tool - the 2013 certification document (97 pages). 
The 2016 recertification document (21 pages).




A selection of articles and conference presentations


Free to download.



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