
DIVERSITY ICEBREAKER and stress management

This webinar provides an introduction to how the Diversity Icebreaker (DI) can be used in seminars that focus on stress management. The use of DI is particularly relevant for groups and teams experiencing high workloads and/or organizational changes, and it is also suitable as a preventive measure during the preparatory phase before changes occur.



Target group

This webinar is suitable for anyone working with team development and/or change processes, and who wishes to use Diversity Icebreaker to enhance awareness and develop stress management skills in groups.




We will delve into the psychological mechanisms behind stress, including how the three colors (Red, Blue, Green) are affected by typical stress factors such as lack of control, a sense of meaninglessness, and a negative work environment, as well as their typical reaction patterns.


In addition, we will explore practical exercises that can be conducted following DI to promote stress management in teams.



Webinar participants will learn..


- Fundamental psychological mechanisms behind stress, and how these can be addressed at both individual and group levels

- How DI can be used to map and develop positive stress management strategies in teams

- How to combine the Red, Blue, and Green preferences with Ofman’s core quadrant in relation to stress

- Practical tips for using DI in the context of change and high workloads, including case presentations




Leading the webinar



Piotr Pluta  holds an MSc in Psychology and has been involved in development of Diversity Icebreaker for more than 13 years. He continuously delivers virtual and face-to-face Diversity Icebreaker workshops for many of Norway's largest organizations, regularly receiving top ratings and positive feedback. Piotr is responsible for our train-the-trainer programs and assists our clients with tips and advice related to the application of Diversity Icebreaker. He also offers consultancy in communication, trust-building, cross-cultural work, and diversity management. 




Sept. 26th at 03:00-04:15 PM CET (75 minutes)







Send an email to: seminar@human-factors.no 

Registration deadline: 24 hours before start of the webinar.

You will receive participation details shortly before the webinar.

NOTE: This webinar is also available in Norwegian October 17th. 2024

