
LEADERSHIP - extended use

Free introduction webinar to tool’s extended use in longer workshops and development processes.



Diversity Icebreaker is also used in longer development processes for both individuals, groups and entire organizations. This year, we will conduct a number of webinars where we will share ideas and practical knowledge useful for you as a consultant and/or leader to design longer workshops and developmental processes with the tool. Our aim is to give you an even greater benefit from using the Diversity Icebreaker (DI) in various context, over a longer period of time.



Diversity Icebreaker can also be used as a gateway into to three different management styles: focus on tasks (Blue), people (Red) and change (Green). However, leadership is about creating results through people. Red, Blue and Green as categories for interaction and problem solving can be used as a mean to enhance solving tasks and delivering results by anyone in the organization. Day-to-day diversity management is about establishing a culture where different perspectives and contributions are acknowledged and respected. In change management, Red, Blue and Green have been used in integrated planning and communication to quality-check different and crucial dimensions of organizational change.



During this webinar you will learn more about how to relate Red, Blue and Green to leadership dimensions, as well as how to translate the ideas of egality, involvement and co-creation from the DI workshop onto leadership practice. You will also get acquainted with various case studies and user experiences from leadership and leader development, management-team development, and change leadership; as well as with how workshops based on DI can be integrated in longer developmental processes.



This webinar is for those who already have experience facilitating the Diversity Icebreaker workshops and are interested in tool’s application in leadership and in longer development processes. 



Bjørn Z. Ekelund

Piotr Pluta



September 26th 2019
03:00 - 04:30 PM CET


How to participate?

To participate in the webinar follow this link: https://zoom.us/j/690213856


After you click on the link you will be asked to download and install Zoom. It is an easy to use, safe and one of the most popular applications for webinars. Here is a short instructional video explaining how to use Zoom.



Please register for this webinar at seminar@human-factors.no


