

Our experienced consultant, Piotr Pluta, shares his expertise.

From uncertainty to confidence and new opportunities

Many consultants and trainers experience a demanding learning curve when their competencies must be quickly transferred from the face-to-face context of workshops and lectures over to Zoom, Teams, etc. Understandably, this presents challenges and uncertainty: will the technology work? what are the good virtual facilitation techniques? how to adapt trusted tools and processes into the virtual world?


Our consultant, Piotr Pluta, has many years of experience in virtual DI-workshop facilitation and has assisted dozens of clients in the recent months. With his aid beforehand and/or during live production, they all succeeded in delivering a successful virtual Diversity Icebreaker.




About Piotr

Piotr Pluta is an organizational psychologist and Managing Director of Human Factors AS responsible for consultative activities. He has recently written two guidebooks for virtual DI facilitation in Zoom and MS Teams. He has also been involved in development of a dedicated Diversity Icebreaker module for a virtual 3D platform (AULA 3D). He is heavily involved in R&D related to the Diversity Icebreaker, conducts train-the-trainer workshops, and provides general consulting services within teamwork, communication, cross-cultural interaction and diversity.




Piotr can help you with:


  • Setting up Zoom, MS Teams, or similar platforms for a virtual DI-workshop (including breakout-rooms for groupwork)
  • Logistics during the virtual seminar (e.g. dividing participant into Red, Blue and Green groups)
  • Facilitation of group work with many groups working in parallel and moderation of discussion about learning points the workshop
  • Problem solving*
  • Tips and ideas for relevant content, group tasks, workshop-flow design and use of virtual tools


* NOTE: Piotr's role as a co-facilitator is not of an IT expert, i.e., he can solve some, but not all technical issues experienced by yourself and/or participants.

Furthermore, you need to have a basic knowledge of your video conferencing software (e.g., screensharing, muting/unmuting yourself, using multiple screens, etc.).



Pre-workshop help

Up to 15 minutes: FREE
Piotr will answer questions related to the use of the online version of the Diversity Icebreaker questionnaire and basics of conducting the workshop on MS Teams or Zoom.

After 15 minutes: EUR 50 or USD 60 / 30 min.
Piotr will help with designing the workshop, review virtual facilitation in detail, suggest solutions to possible logistical challenges beforehand, provide guidance in using Teams or Zoom controls and tools, share ideas for relevant content related to Red, Blue, and Green relevant for your group and goals.




Although virtual DI workshops can be conducted with one trainer, having a co-facilitator, especially with larger groups, is a great help. As your "co-pilot" in the virtual workshop, Piotr will be able to assist you in the logistics, facilitation of group work, problem solving, etc., allowing you to concentrate on participants, facilitation and content matter of the workshop.


Please contact us for a quote. We have fixed rates for virtual co-facilitation including preparations ahead of the workshop.

You can send an email directly to Piotr Pluta:  or contact our office.


Do you want an external consultant to conduct a virtual or physical (F2F) Diversity Icebreaker workshop?


The Diversity Icebreaker was created in Human Factors and thanks to that proximity we have a unique expertise and vast experience in the tool’s application.

Our two most experienced consultants (below) conduct both regular DI workshops (face-to-face and virtual) as well as train-the-trainer workshops on regular basis for all types of clients both domestic and international. We deliver DI-workshops for small groups as well as a large-scale kick-off events on conferences. We also have extensive experience in virtual facilitation for online events and dispersed teams.


Our expertise is not limited to delivering standard DI workshops. We also design and conduct longer and more advanced workshops, custom-design learning and group activities, as well as implement DI as a part of larger organizational processes.


For tips, support or co-facilitation of a virtual workshop read this page.


More about Piotr Pluta  and  Bjørn Z. Ekelund.